I wanted to do a portrait of our grandson Keegan. I wanted to convey his sense of wonder of the world about him. I started out with this sketch and pretty much stayed with the original idea.

I did an acrylic under painting (using red oxide, Azo yellow deep, white and Liquitex gloss medium thinned a little water) on a pice of canvas mounted on masonite (that I had completed a couple of weeks before). After lightly sketching in the drawing I started blocking in the head.

After I finished blocking in the overall composition, I started focusing in on the details of the face. This is where I started to run into the trouble with his expression … he looks kind of “afeared” in this stage. And no matter how I tried to fix his expression it became more frustrating.

So here’s the new version of “Wonder’ – 12″ x 16” acrylic on canvas mounted on board. The true test was to show it to Elaine. She cried. So, we presented it to Kate, Keegan’s mom for Mother’s Day. She cried. So I guess it was a success. Thanks for stopping by.